We recently ministered to a lady I will call Tabitha for privacy purposes. When we first began this ministry session the Lord led us to confront the spirit of Moloch. This demonic spirit traffics in sacrifice, witchcraft and more. Many years ago Tabitha had an abortion. We would learn that her ancestors were involved in sacrifices. This is most likely why she would end up having an abortion due to the demons driving her to it in the past. Tabitha’s ancestors were in bondage to slavery. They were slaves at one time and this brought bondage to her today. The slavery came from Africa. Through this deliverance session it would be discovered that her ancestors were slaves. The ancestors that were in bondage did witchcraft against their owners. They were also used sexually and bore children to the owners. This brought prejudice and racism into the family bloodline. Her ancestors became racists against the perpetrators.
Demonic Spirits
There were many generational heart parts from sacrifices done in the past by her ancestors. Demons of murder, rape, trauma, abuse, witchcraft and more were present. There was a generational witch present as well. This witch was actually someone from Tabitha’s ancestors. This witch was mad at the owners who were using them and abusing them. This is understandable due to the horrific things that were being done to her family. Little did this witch know that the witchcraft she was doing was bringing more demonic bondage to her family and bloodline. Generations later Tabitha was suffering the consequences not only from the slavery but the witchcraft her ancestors did.
There were also water spirits that needed removed from Tabitha on this day. Her ancestors also worshipped water spirits. Lillith, Posiedon, and mermaid demons were all present within her. These vial spirits were all cast into the abyss with the other demons giving Tabitha much freedom. What slavery is in your background? Were your ancestors slaves or own slaves? What bondage are you in today because of generational curses and demons still in place. Why not receive the fullness that Christ paid for you? Why not go through deliverance. After all the devil desires to keep you from your destiny on earth. He wants to stop you from fulfilling the calling that Christ put on your life. It is time for freedom in Jesus name!
God Bless you all in Jesus mighty name!
Troy Rockers