
  • Man crying who needs ministry
    Ann Rockers
    Do you understand that your ministry is right in front of you? I came to this realization a while back, Troy had at the time been trying to figure out how to reach people for ministry. We were at a family gathering with his family and I was visiting with his sister. I could see she was upset and needed inner healing. It was at that moment the Lord spoke clearly to me and very
  • permission men shaking hands
    What do I mean by this headline of: “Are you giving the devil permission to stay”? Well I will explain this to you through this blog. On more than one occasion we have ministered to people who are giving permission for the devil to stay in their mind, soul or flesh. Meaning do you know who you are in Christ Jesus? By his stripes you were healed. You are delivered and free from all captivity
  • woman holding head
    Ann Rockers
    Where exactly do thoughts come from? I believe there are three sources for thoughts. Our own thoughts, thoughts that come from the Holy Spirit, and thoughts that come from demons, evil spirits. 3 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. 4 For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds, 5 casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalts
  • Ann Rockers
    Training is something a soldier does daily. Sounds pretty basic but lets think about it for a minute pertaining to being in the Army of God. Have nothing to do with irreverent, silly myths. Rather train yourself for godliness; for while bodily training is of some value, godliness is of value in every way, as it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come. Timothy 4:7-8 Here we read that
  • Jesus drawing
    Ann and I recently ministered to Teresa once again. She was the woman who saw Christ crucified for her during the previous deliverance session. The picture you see is one that she drew after that session. How, he endured trauma as she had. This particular ministry session the Lord would lead us to deal with a spirit of division. This demon entered the blood line centuries ago through a curse that was placed on the
  • fearless
    Ann Rockers
    Are you fearless? The definition of fearless is lacking fear! As I woke up a couple of mornings ago I was seeking the Lord and the word “Fear-Less” came to me. I began to meditate on that word. The Lord knows me so well and I tend to have fears which had in the past been a stronghold for me. During this time of the nations shutdown due to Covid19 there has been so much

Church Service Times:

Dear friends please join us live at (9:00 AM Saturday’s) at https://thykingdomcomechurchofjesuschrist.online.church

Services are re-played through out the week as follows Sunday: 10:00 AM and Monday-Friday at 7:00 PM

Welcome, and thank you for visiting the website of Thy Kingdom Come Church of Jesus Christ. We are a Christian Church advancing the good news of Jesus Christ.  We desire to reach the unchurched with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.   To minister to the sick, oppressed, broken of heart, and to demonstrate the power of God. To be a place of worship and prayer for those who have no physical Church at our online Church.   To make disciples of Jesus Christ across the globe.

Jesus said:

“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised, to preach the acceptable year of the Lord.”  Luke 4:18-19

Are you hurting, broken or in bondage?  We can help you through this ministry.  Through Skype or other video conferencing we perform spiritual surgery to people across the globe.  Jesus has touched them and healed their broken heart, delivered them from demons, and physical healing has occurred.  Contact us today if you are in need of a miracle.

Our newest addition to the website is The Armory.  This is a page dedicated to destroying the works of the devil by educating the Christian warrior in warfare.  There will be videos added to this page with a link to our YouTube channel.  This will consist of items such as doing deliverance from evil spirits, healing the broken heart, ties that bind people, and much more.  You are in a war and must know how to defend yourself!

Do you live in an area where Christians cannot openly worship at a Church?  Are you a missionary in the field and need refreshing?  Are you searching for the truth or hurting?  Then we are here for you and our online church can help.  Join us at Thy Kingdom Come Church of Jesus Christ online for fellowship.  You can receive prayer and the love of Christ from others.

Our ministry supports other ministries on a monthly basis. When you support us financially you are helping others as well. Learn more about the ministries we support and other ministries we recommend on our About Us page.

Our house church meetings meet weekly.  If you live in the are contact our ministry for time and place of meeting.

4 thoughts on “Your Ministry is Right in Front of You”

  1. Thank you, I really enjoyed reading more about your ministry and the fact that you explained what to do- it’s so important. I have been to a couple of Troy’s deliverance ministry teachings
    I was blessed and my brother too. When we left the church it was dusk but both of us said it was the most defined and focused our eyes were seeing- we both experienced the same visual experience – the blue was bluer the clouds more defined- it was like a veil covering our eyes had been lifted. I don’t know what that means but it was touching and a sign that something had cleared in us. Thank you. May Our Loving Father continue to guide and bless you both and your ministry

  2. Ann, this was very helpful. You and Troy have helped me so much and I very much appreciate you both. Love Shawn

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