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New Beginning Prophetic Word

New beginning is what I heard from the Lord last week as I prayed into what I was supposed to teach on for the upcoming Sunday online church service. I then put this down in a note to get to a few days later. Well I began to just put together a teaching on having a new beginning in life once you are born again. However, the Holy Spirit was prompting me that this is not what God wanted. So December 23rd as I was awaking in the morning I had a quick vision of Jesus face coming right up to mine! I then awoke and asked the Holy Spirit why this happened and the Lord gave me a personal message. I prayed and fasted that morning. I also, met with another pastor who meets with me regularly for prayer. He had a word from the Lord for me, as well as my wife Ann. I then went into prayer after this and began to hear from the Lord Jesus. It was a prophecy or word of edification for the body of Christ on what He is doing. Please read this word from the Lord and test the spirit. Prepare for the work ahead of us. Acts 2:17 ‘And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God, That I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh; Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, Your young men shall see visions, Your old men shall dream dreams. 18 And on My menservants and on My maidservants I will pour out My Spirit in those days; And they shall prophesy.  Here is the prophetic word I heard from the Lord:

I am doing a new thing with my Body.  I have left the Church as people have known it for the past several centuries.  I have gone back to the days of Pentecost.  I will no longer be found in the building where my Spirit has been extinguished.   I will be found in the highways, byways, market places, house churches, schools and businesses.  I will be found where the hurting, destitute, poor, oppressed and bound are at.  As My Glory will fall on them when my remnant ministers my Gospel.  I will manifest my power and glory upon the lost through my humble servants.  I am searching the world for those who are called by name that are willing to lay down their life for me.  As I laid my life down for all of humanity I am seeking those who will lay down their life for me.  Those willing to deny the world and the fleshly appetites it brings, for manna instead.  This remnant will be men and women of courage and zeal.  I will walk with them and send forth power as they speak my word.  Miracles, signs and wonders will take place as they walk humbly with me.  There is a harvest I must bring forth in this time and season.  You will decree a thing at it will be so.  For when you are in me then you are in the Father.  Seek me with all your heart and surrender your will to me and we will do great things together.  Store up for yourselves riches in heaven for the day of redemption draws near! 

Do not worry, fear or be dismayed at what will happen in the world.  Remember I have overcome the world.  Stay hidden in me in the secret place, living and feasting on my word at all times.  Some will fall away from there calling as they, focus on the world and not me, and what I have for them.  Pray and fast when I call you to, always listening for my voice.  It is time for my bride to know me! The year of 2021 will be a year of redemption where I redeem what was lost.  I will restore all that the enemy has stolen from my bride.  This redemption is not of this world but of my kingdom.  This redemption is of power, might, glory and honor of and for my Father.  Wash your garments which you have defiled.  Repent from back sliding, stagnation and idleness.  Move forward with Me in glory for the birthing of something new on the earth.  I am returning the Church to the days of Pentecost!

When you hear me, speak it out with love and power.  Decree a thing and it will be done, when you decree what you hear Me speak.  Do not speak of your own authority but of my authority.  What I have spoken to you.  Yes, it is also a year of judgment and it will begin.  Remember though I am calling you my bride to a new beginning.  Don’t be caught up in the affairs of the world or the judgment for evil doers.  You go and preach the gospel!  Don’t look for signs and wonders.  Preach the word of God and signs will follow.  Don’t chase the tail but the head! (Jesus). Many in my bride have been chasing the tail and not Me.  It is time to stop chasing signs and wonders.

I pray that you take this word to heart. He is beginning a new thing with His body. I believe it has already begun. Preach the Gospel!

Troy Rockers

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