Psalms & Prayers

Welcome to this page. We hope you enjoy the Psalms that we have produced for the people of God to reflect on. A very brief history of The Psalms is they were written by multiple authors with some of them written by Moses through the time of David, Asaph, and Solomon, the time of the Ezrahites which suggests the Psalms were written the span of one thousand years! The book was originally titled Tehillim, which means “praise songs” in Hebrew. The English title of “Psalms” originated from the Septuagint’s Greek title Psalmoi, also meaning “songs of praise.”

These hymns were the ancient hymns of God’s people. They were poetry that was often set to music with specific instruments to sing. However, some of the psalms were not set to music but rather expressed the emotions of the psalmist to communicate feelings, thoughts, and emotions to God or about God.

As I was led to produce some of the Psalms for our online church Jesus Saves the Lord placed it on my heart to put them to the song. I am, however not an artist or musician. However, with that said as I started this project I felt overwhelmed with emotions. Just speaking and singing the psalms provoked a powerful response in my spirit, therefore it isn’t me but God that comes through. For when I am weak He is strong. His message and word is timeless. It is my prayer that those that listen to these will feel the presence of God and your soul will join mine in the worship of our great God! The psalms are just as powerful in their ability to speak to God’s people today just as they were centuries back. You can find all of them here at our YouTube channel.

I have also recently added The Lords Prayer. I pray you will be blessed as you meditate on the Psalms as much as I have.

Blessings, Ann Rockers

Psalm 150

Psalm 67
Psalm 103
Psalm 148 vs 1-4
Psalm 23
Psalm 46
Psalm 61
Psalm 8
Psalm 4
Psalm 1
Psalm 33
Psalm 139
Psalm 42
Psalm 73 vs 25-26
The Lords Prayer
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