emotional healing

woman in chains

Un-forgiveness Kept Woman In Bondage

We recently ministered to Brenda again via FaceTime.  In this session we would deal with un-forgiveness. She lives in a different state and I have reported to you in the past on her deliverance.  We met with her after prayer to the Father on how to proceed.  Once again I heard “soul ties” from the Holy Spirit.  So we began with some past soul ties to her foster and adopted child as well as her ex-husband.  Brenda has […]

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woman with child

Reunited with miscarried babies in Heaven!

I ministered to a woman recently who had miscarried several times in her life. The woman I will call Trisha for privacy purposes had manifested a broken heart and evil spirits of fear earlier at a deliverance meeting.   As I began ministering to her, the broken part of her heart that was 5 years old came forward.  This part had fear, loss, abandonment and more from her parents divorcing at that age.  This is

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soul ties

Soul Ties Broken Brings Heart Healing!

As I reported last week we began ministering to a woman out of state via Face Time.  We met with her again today for ministry.  Prior to the call I was in prayer about what to do with her today.  All I heard was the Holy Spirit telling me “SOUL TIES”, “SOUL TIES”.  So when we met with her we taught about soul ties again.  We then began having her cut soul ties form partners

Soul Ties Broken Brings Heart Healing! Read More »

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